Child Transportation

Transportation System for Children

Order a car designed with your child’s safety in mind to take them school, after school, clubs, family, or any other place with safety tools under the parents control.

Get Started, Register Now!

Save Time

The school day is long, the children should not be stuck in a long bus ride so they can get to school and home. Let your children ride safely and in a shorter amount of time than the school bus.


Monthly Payment

No need to pay for an entire year all at once. Simple monthly payment with package options make it affordable and easy to manage every month. If we learned anything from COVID-19 is that you can’t be sure of what tomorrow will bring, you shouldn’t need to pay for an entire year for a school bus when your children are learning from home.


Know who is driving your children, track every every movement your child makes on the road. With optional video feeds and other extra safety features, you can feel comfortable at all times when your child is going to school or coming home.

Download the App & Book

Your child’s safety is very important to us. Our service was planned with the safety of the children first. We then added what would be helpful to every parent and kept it all within a simple payment plan that will not burn a hole in your pocket.

If you are a parent and wish to drive children to school that go to the same school as your child, please contact us.

Wingz Google Play (Coming Soon)

Wingz App Store (Coming Soon)